August 27, 2010

about today,

grateful first, story later :)

Oh yeah, I am grateful, despite the fact that now I am (almost) reaching the quarter life (which means that I am old!). I have thousand things to be grateful for.

I live in a house, with a roof above me to make sure that I have a place to feel safe when rain comes down. I eat three times a day, sometimes more, to make sure that I won’t be hungry. I definitely have enough clothes to make sure that I won’t be naked if I don’t want it.

I had graduated. I have a job, not the greatest job in the world of course but sure it teaches me a lot. At least for now I am a little bit independent than before.

I have friends, lot of them, and they always there beside me when I need them.

I have a family, not the perfect one but it’s exactly what I need and that’s perfect for me.

I have a boyfriend who teaches me the sweetest kind of love.

So, grateful is the exact definition of my feeling for today.

Twenty four is the exact age of my mum when she first celebrated her birthday with little me. I have her picture with me that time in my baby photo album. She looks so beautiful in the picture, much more beautiful than I am now of course. And I, of course, am not having a little baby girl in my hands when I blow my candle tonight.

Twenty four can be old. Some people said that twenty four is not the age for having fun anymore, that we need to be mature and whatsoever serious thing to do. That can be true, but again, who the hell they are to teach me to live my life their way.

Sure twenty four is mature enough to think about mature things, but who said we couldn’t have fun anymore? Maybe it’s the perfect age to be alive. Like my mum who lead her very different life as a mother when she had me, though she was just twenty four at that time. Maybe it’s the perfect age for me to start a merry life.

I still have some dreams to catch, some imagination to live. I want the sun to shine. I want the rain to pour. I want the night to come. I want to dance under the stars, a kiss under the moonlight. I want it all, all the sweetest things my dreams wanted, all the wildest things my imagination desiring. I don’t care of being wrong, I don’t care of being hurt. It’s my life after all. And it’s better to try something than being curious about the feeling of doing something. It’s better to be wrong than living a flat and bored life.

Twenty four is the starter. Twenty four is the passion. Life is where your feet brings you while you're singing melodies.

Thanks God for my breath for these twenty four years. Thanks for filling my life.


amadea said...

waiting for your story then.. have a blast birthday! :D

Vanya Alessandra said...

thanks, sweet :)

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