July 4, 2011

People change, and don't

It wakes me up, that somehow, people change, and somehow, people don’t. I used to think that I am the same person as I was before, but that’s not true, because I am not the same person as I was before. Even my face is changing (not like I have a nose job or something), it’s just that my face is merrier than before (they’ve said to me).

But to tell you that I am change, I am not really sure that I can state about that either. And somehow, I don’t think that people can change, like the-bad-become-good change. This is real life, not a story when a bad man experience some nearly-dead time and change drastically after that. Sure not as easy as that. There’s a lot to tell and there’s a lot to feel that somehow maybe people just being different person than before. But that doesn’t mean that they’ve changed.

They’re just, in one way to say, adapting. Life cut some part of here, mold lots part of there, shake few part of this, and break bunch part of that. So yeah, I really think that people don’t change, it’s a mere adapting themself into a new condition that suits them better.

And maybe their inner side has a lot of influences toward them being different. Just maybe. (And maybe not.)

But at least, people grow, whether it’s growing better or worse (Because time is always coming forward, right?).

And I categorized myself as growing, not bigger (or older of course), but tougher (and wiser I hope).

And more content.

And a lots lots lots happier.

Thanks God for it (:


Anonymous said...

Happier? Yes, thank to the power of love hehehe. anyway, i think u're right. People cant change that easily, they are just adapting, and growing, like you said.

Vanya Alessandra said...

we have no reason at all for not being happy, right, beautiful? :D

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